We’re Recruiting!

Due to the phenomenal growth of the Young People in Horticulture Association (YPHA), we’re looking to strengthen our volunteer team.

We aim to create an operations team to support our ten-member committee, ensuring that both our members and the YPHA continue to thrive.

This effort is also part of our succession planning, aimed at ensuring the YPHA's longevity for many years to come.

Below are the three volunteer roles we’re looking to fill, along with details on how to apply.

The Operations Team

Administration Officer

  • Support the committee with daily monitoring of the email inboxes, ensuring everything is responded to and arranged in a timely manner. Work closely with the committee on other projects as required.

    • Monitor the email inbox daily, ensuring we are reacting and responding promptly to all enquiries.

    • Make the relevant committee member aware of conversations, meetings, and action points.

    • Create and manage a joint calendar, ensuring committee members are aware of, and able to attend arranged meetings.

    • Follow up with relevant committee members after meetings to schedule and organise next steps.

    • When required, support our membership manager with data entry.

    • Work closely with the co-founders to learn, and support in other tasks the association requires.

Member Wellbeing and Committee Support Officer

  • Be an active member of the team, supporting the committee in a variety of tasks and projects when required, and being the champion for member wellbeing.

    • Supporting the committee to fulfil the needs of the YPHA – pitching in when committee members need support.

    • Signing up and being an active part in new YPHA projects.

    • Be an active ambassador for the YPHA, getting members to support in trade shows and ensuring all news is circulated through discord.

    • Source opportunities to promote YPHA.

    • Work closely with the Mental Health First Aid officers, Discord Coordinators and Perennial to offer and publicise support throughout YPHA

    • Work with a designated taskforce to create a safeguarding policy

    • Be the port of call for all YPHA safeguarding

Events Support Officer

  • To support our events manager in both in-person member events and trade shows. Assist with planning, promotion, and execution of these events, ensuring success throughout.

    • Working closely with the events manager, assisting with event planning and preparation, including coordinating logistics, venue selection and catering.

    • Prepare event materials, such as name tags, programs, and agendas.

    • Assist the Social Media Manager with communication efforts leading up to an event, including promotions, sending updates, and confirmations to attendees.

    • Assist with event setup, registration, and logistics on the day of the event. Ensure that all event materials are available and that the event runs smoothly.

    • Perform other administrative tasks as needed, such as data entry, email communication, and general office duties. Participate in meetings and brainstorming sessions to help develop new event ideas and concepts.

Please note, it is one application form for all roles. You will be asked during the form which role you’re applying too, so please ensure you tick the correct one.


  • It's hard to say exactly how many hours each role will take, as it will fluctuate depending on the time of year and what the YPHA has lined up.

    We would expect you to be spending a few hours a week doing YPHA related work.

  • Nothing in particular!

    As long as you are a YPHA member, are keen to learn and dedicate some time to YPHA, we encourage you to apply!

    We do put emphasis on good communication skills. All volunteers have priorities outside of YPHA and we all pitch in to support each other, but we can only do this if we're all continually kept up to speed.

  • Yes, absolutely!

    If you are currently volunteering with discord but want to do this, that's not an issue.

    Should you be successful, we would look to find another discord supervisor so you can focus on your new post.

  • All applications will go to the YPHA committee upon submission.

    After the closing date, 3 committee members will look to review all applications and send out invites for interview.

    It'll be a one stage, zoom meeting lasting roughly 20 minutes.

    This will be with 3 committee members, but don't panic it's not a formal interview, we just want to understand more about you. We'll also give you a chance to ask any questions you have.

    We hope to get all interviews done by the mid October, with answers out to all applicants by the end of the month.